benefits of lemongrass tea for skin In order to function as a fat burner green tea is more optimal, Phaidon suggested that drinking green tea before exercise. The capacity of green tea are powerful antioxidants that can provide protection against the effects of the muscle cell wall. In addition, continued Phaidon, if taken before eating a meal, green tea will help keep fat intake.
And it turns out In a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food, the scientists found that by adding 2-3 teaspoons of citrus fruits (lemon, lime, or grapefruit) into a cup of green tea can increase the stability of catechins (antioxidants preventing cancer types , stroke, and heart disease) in an amount sufficient to digest up to five-fold.
remember Why
1. The quality tea is tea that still leaves the shape of leaves and no added sugar. Because the levels of antioxidants in bottled tea drinks are very small.
2. The hot water used to brew green tea should range between 80 and 85 degrees Celsius.
3. Boiling water will destroy the tea leaves and cause taste so bitter.
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